Thursday, August 14, 2008

smallpox instructions

to recreate 'smallpox' karen kilimnik 1990.

- items needed:
  • acrylic paint, white and paint roller, or a white wall
  • acrylic paint, red
  • talcum powder
  • fake fur, pink
- steps:

  1. if not using a white wall use the roller and white acrylic paint to paint the selected wall white.
  2. splash small amounts of red paint in various sizes across the wall low to the floor, allow some to run down
  3. smear some red paint with your hands on the wall low to the floor
  4. paint the letter 's' in red paint low on the wall on the right, a bit bigger than your splashes
  5. scatter talcum powder on the floor
  6. place the fur on the floor

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